Jewelry Redesign Story #74: Earrings Are Made to Wear

March 18, 2024

custom earrings
Before and After


Lyndsay has had this diamond band ring from her family for a long time but never found herself wanting to wear it. Lyndsay didn’t think the ring fit into her style or went with any of her wardrobe so she decided to have the ring redesigned into something that she knew she would actually wear: a pair of modern earrings!




Lyndsay loves earrings so she figured something that would go with her assortment of earrings, which she wears multiple of at a time, would be a great use for the diamonds in this heirloom family piece. Lyndsay thought that a pair of stud earrings would be a great way to incorporate a new jewelry item into her existing collection and would be something that she would be excited to wear in a variety of ways. 

After we provided a number of different sketches for Lyndsay to choose from, she decided on a design that is very modern and geometric -- something we love to design at Studio Remod! 


rhino cad

 Rhino modeling

First we drafted our Rhino CAD model, an important step to make sure that we were using the correct dimensions from the diamonds that were available to us from Lyndsay’s original piece. 



Once we had the CAD design ready we were able to cast and see that the ring was perfect and we were ready to set the stones that we already had finalized the design.


custom earrings

custom earrings

Redesign images

We loved the final earrings which were stunning with geometric simplicity. Lyndsay can’t wait to incorporate them into her wardrobe. 

Material: Ten princess diamonds in bezel setting in 14k yellow gold.

Manufacturing Level: Medium

Design Level: Medium

Looking for a new piece that you know you’ll love to wear? Get started here.

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