Jewelry Makeover

From lost to found

Liz was devastated when she lost her engagement ring in between moves. 

Losing an engagement ring can be traumatic for any engaged or married individual with grief stemming from the loss of an item to which we have grown psychologically attached to the perceived bad omen associated with the loss.

Luckily, Liz kept her cool and saw the loss as an opportunity to update the ring and utilize some other unused jewelry from her and her husband’s collection to recreate the engagement ring. Liz, although saddened by her loss, knew this was an opportunity to make her engagement ring better than ever! 

Liz wanted something with tons of diamonds, so it was great that she was able to provide us with four diamond-heavy pieces (both rings and necklaces and including a ring that belonged to her husband’s grandmother). These pieces allowed us to redesign the original ring with tons of diamond bling. 

Materials: Ring 1: 18k rose gold with round diamond in cut down setting, Ring 2 and 3: platinum with round diamond in prong setting

*These stones are Liz’s, and the stone price is excluded from the total price. Also, we were able to sell her old gold, and deduct from the final cost.

Manufacturing Level:  Difficult 

Design Level: Medium

Price: $2700


custom jewelry, jewelry design, fine jewelryBefore
custom jewelry, jewelry design, fine jewelryAfter